Writing CBOR


When an underlying stream type object is available, such as a file handle or an in-memory appendable buffer, simply pass a suitable minicbor_write_fn to the minicbor_write_*() functions.


The minicbor_write_*() do not write the contents of any bytestring / string values. The contents of these values should be written directly by the user.

#include <minicbor.h>

static void stream_write(stream_type *Stream, unsigned char *Bytes, int Size) {

void example_write() {
   stream_type *Stream = ...;
   minicbor_write_indef_array(Stream, stream, write);
   minicbor_write_string(Stream, stream_write, strlen("Hello world!"));
   stream_write(Stream, "Hello world!", strlen("Hello world!"));
   minicbor_write_integer(Stream, stream_write, 100);
   minicbor_write_float4(Stream, stream_write, 1.2);
   minicbor_write_break(Stream, stream_write);

Presizing a CBOR output before writing

If a contiguous output buffer is required, then the required CBOR buffer size can be calculated by calling the minicbor_write_*() functions twice.

  1. For the first pass, use a minicbor_write_fn that takes a pointer to a size_t and simply increments the value with the value of Size. For example:

    static void calculate_size(size_t *Required, unsigned char *Bytes, int Size) {
       *Required += Size;

    The user is responsible for incrementing Total with the content sizes of any bytestrings or strings.

  2. Then allocate a buffer (e.g. using malloc()) and use a minicbor_write_fn that actual writes the data to the end of the buffer. For example:

    static void write_bytes(unsigned char **Tail, unsigned char *Bytes, int Size) {
       memcpy(*Tail, Bytes, Size);
       *Tail += Size;



Simple false value.


Simple true value.


Simple null value.


Simple undefined value.


void (*minicbor_write_fn)(void *UserData, const void *Bytes, unsigned Size)

Minicbor write callback type.

  • UserData – Pointer passed to minicbor_write_*() functions.

  • Bytes – Bytes to write.

  • Size – Number of bytes.


void minicbor_write_integer(void *UserData, minicbor_write_fn WriteFn, int64_t Number)

Write a signed integer. Will automatically write a positive or negative integer with the smallest possible width.

void minicbor_write_positive(void *UserData, minicbor_write_fn WriteFn, uint64_t Number)

Write a positive integer with the smallest width.

void minicbor_write_negative(void *UserData, minicbor_write_fn WriteFn, uint64_t Number)

Write a negative integer with the smallest width. Here Number is the exact value to write into the stream. This means if X is the desired negative value to write, then Number should be 1 - X or ~X (the one’s complement). This is to allow the full range of negative numbers to be written.

void minicbor_write_bytes(void *UserData, minicbor_write_fn WriteFn, unsigned Size)

Write the leading bytes of a definite bytestring with Size bytes. The actual bytes should be written directly by the application.

void minicbor_write_indef_bytes(void *UserData, minicbor_write_fn WriteFn)

Write the leading bytes of an indefinite bytestring. The chunks should be written using minicbor_write_bytes() followed by the bytes themselves. Finally, minicbor_write_break() should be used to end the indefinite bytestring.

void minicbor_write_string(void *UserData, minicbor_write_fn WriteFn, unsigned Size)

Write the leading bytes of a definite string with Size bytes. The actual string should be written directly by the application.

void minicbor_write_indef_string(void *UserData, minicbor_write_fn WriteFn)

Write the leading bytes of an indefinite string. The chunks should be written using minicbor_write_string() followed by the strings themselves. Finally, minicbor_write_break() should be used to end the indefinite string.

void minicbor_write_array(void *UserData, minicbor_write_fn WriteFn, unsigned Size)

Write the leading bytes of a definite array with Size elements. The elements themselves should be written with the appropriate minicbor_write_*() functions.

void minicbor_write_indef_array(void *UserData, minicbor_write_fn WriteFn)

Write the leading bytes of an indefinite array. The elements themselves should be written with the appropriate minicbor_write_*() functions. Finally, minicbor_write_break() should be used to ende the indefinite array.

void minicbor_write_map(void *UserData, minicbor_write_fn WriteFn, unsigned Size)

Write the leading bytes of a definite map with Size key-value pairs. The keys and values themselves should be written with the appropriate minicbor_write_*() functions.

void minicbor_write_indef_map(void *UserData, minicbor_write_fn WriteFn)

Write the leading bytes of an indefinite map. The keys and values themselves should be written with the appropriate minicbor_write_*() functions. Finally, minicbor_write_break() should be used to ende the indefinite map.

void minicbor_write_float2(void *UserData, minicbor_write_fn WriteFn, double Number)

Write a floating point number in half precision.

void minicbor_write_float4(void *UserData, minicbor_write_fn WriteFn, double Number)

Write a floating point number in single precision.

void minicbor_write_float8(void *UserData, minicbor_write_fn WriteFn, double Number)

Write a floating point number in double precision.

void minicbor_write_simple(void *UserData, minicbor_write_fn WriteFn, unsigned char Simple)

Write a simple value.

void minicbor_write_break(void *UserData, minicbor_write_fn WriteFn)

Write a break (to end an indefinite bytestring, string, array or map).

void minicbor_write_tag(void *UserData, minicbor_write_fn WriteFn, uint64t Tag)

Write a tag sequence which will apply to the next value written.